

Saturday, July 30, 2011

QR Code

QR Code is short form for Quick Response code.  I found this often used on the Android marketplace to help us find the apps to install to our Android devices.  What I did not realize was how easy it is to generate one.

For example, this is one a QR code to my other blog:


On the iPhone, you can use QR Reader and on Android devices, there is a app called QR Droid to help you. Both the above devices can read as well as generate the QR Code as shown above.    On the computer, you just need to search for QR to find websites that can generate the images for you.

The barcode reader on Android can also read the code and auto fill the spaces for like when you want to SMS someone.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Setting up TP W8901G for Streamyx

This document is taken from the following url.

The setting should be as follow:

My take from the above article are the following:

  1. PVC2 is used instead of PVC0.
  2. VPI needs to be set to 0
  3. VCI needs to be set to 35.
  4. Encapsulation needs to be set to PPPoE LLC
  5. User is the usual account with @streamyx prefix
  6. Password of course is required.
The other important part is the DNS setting.  As is mentioned, in one of the replies:

SourceDNS 1DNS 2

Friday, July 8, 2011

Google Doc Search Operators

The following are operators that can be used in Google Docs.  The full document can be found here.

“ ” QuotesTo find documents that contain that exact phrase.“match this phrase exactly”
ORTo find documents with at least one of the words.tacos OR nachos
- HyphenDocuments that don’t have a particular word. So if you want docs that mention salsa, but not dancing use...salsa -dancing
from:Documents shared from
to:Documents shared to
is:starredItems that you have marked with a
is:hidden or is:archivedItems that you have hidden from the main Documents List by deselecting the Show in Home
type:Search by the type of document. This covers: document, spreadsheet, presentation, drawing, image, video, image_or_video, pdf, and textdoc.type:spreadsheet
before:YYYY-MM-DD after:YYYY-MM-DDFind items that were edited before or after a certain day.before:2010-12-01
owner:Search according to who owns the item.owner:Frank
title:Search by the item’s titletitle:”Conference 2010”