

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Automating the Dropping of Oracle Partition

In my previous post, I described how we can automate the creation of Oracle Partition. This is how you can automate the dropping of the partitions.

This code makes the following assumption:
  • Partition is by date
  • The first partition is the table name postfix with zero (e.g. if table is testList and then the name of the first partition should be testList0).
  • Subsequent partition should have the name of the table postfix with _ and the a number (e.g. testList_0, testList_1 ...)

Here is the code:

Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Data.OleDb

' Drop Partition where the partition key is a date field
' Author Strovek
' Date Jul 21, 2005
' Revised Jul 25, 2005
' =============================================================================

Public Class DropPartDate

Const DateKey As String = "DateKey"
Const StrKey As String = "StrKey"
Const InvalidKey As String = "InvKey"
Const pfxStr As String = "SELECT PARTITION_NAME, HIGH_VALUE, " _
Const lineStr As String = "================================"

Public Shared generalSwitch As New TraceSwitch("TraceLevelSwitch", "Entire Application")
Dim cfgFile As String = "..\DropPartDate.xml"
Dim Conn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim connStr As String
Dim cfg As New XmlDocument
Dim root As XmlNode
Dim tabCollection As XmlNodeList
Dim keyType As String
Dim vConfigFound As Boolean = False

' Returns whether the xml configuration is found
Public Function cfgFound() As Boolean
Return vConfigFound
End Function

' Returns the version of this assembly
Public Shared Function Ver() As String
With _
Return .FileMajorPart & "." & .FileMinorPart & "." & .FileBuildPart & "." & .FilePrivatePart
End With
End Function

' Property to set the configuration filename
Public Property cfgFName() As String
cfgFName = cfgFile
End Get
Set(ByVal Val As String)
cfgFile = Val
End Set
End Property

' Reads the xml file
Public Sub readXML()
Dim flg As Boolean = False
Dim xNode As XmlNode
xNode = cfg.FirstChild
While True
Trace.WriteLineIf(generalSwitch.TraceVerbose, "xnode name is " & xNode.Name & "*")
If xNode.Name <> "config" Then
xNode = xNode.NextSibling
vConfigFound = True
Exit While
End If
If IsNothing(xNode) Then
Exit While
End If
End While
root = xNode
End Sub

' Displays the Connection String from the xml file
Public Sub getConnStr()
Dim xNode As XmlNode
'xNode = cfg.SelectSingleNode("connStr")
xNode = root.SelectSingleNode("connStr")
Trace.WriteLineIf(generalSwitch.TraceVerbose, xNode.Attributes("Val").Value())
End Sub

' Gets the collection of Tables to process
Public Sub getTabs()
tabCollection = root.SelectNodes("tab")
End Sub

' Display the list of tables to be processed
Public Sub listTabs()
Dim cnt As Integer

For cnt = 0 To (tabCollection.Count - 1)
Console.Write(tabCollection(cnt).Attributes("Name").Value & " ")

End Sub

' Connect to database
Public Sub ConnectDB()
Dim connStr As String = root.SelectSingleNode("connStr").Attributes("Val").Value
Conn.ConnectionString = connStr
Trace.WriteLineIf(generalSwitch.TraceVerbose, "Database connected")
End Sub

' Closes the database connection if it is Open
Public Sub closeDB()
If Conn.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
Trace.WriteLineIf(generalSwitch.TraceVerbose, "Database connection Closed")
End If
End Sub

' Verify the key type for the table
Sub chkKeyType(ByVal tabName As String)
Dim dbCmd As OleDbCommand = Conn.CreateCommand
Dim dr As OleDbDataReader
Dim sql, tmpStr, tmpStr2 As String
Dim tmpDate As DateTime
keyType = InvalidKey

sql = pfxStr & tabName & "' and partition_name = '" & tabName & "0'"
dbCmd.CommandText = sql
dr = dbCmd.ExecuteReader
If dr.HasRows Then
tmpStr = dr.Item("high_value")
If Left(tmpStr, 7) = "TO_DATE" Then
keyType = DateKey
tmpStr2 = tmpStr.Substring(1, 8)
tmpDate = Date.ParseExact(tmpStr2, "yyyyMMdd", Nothing)
keyType = StrKey
Catch ex As Exception
keyType = InvalidKey
End Try
End If
End If
If Not IsNothing(dr) Then
End If
End Try

End Sub

' Extract the date from the highvalue field and return it as datetime
Function getDate(ByVal highValue As String) As DateTime
Dim tmpStr As String
Dim tmpDate As DateTime

tmpStr = highValue.Substring(highValue.IndexOf("'") + 2, 19)
Trace.WriteLineIf(generalSwitch.TraceVerbose, tmpStr)
tmpDate = DateTime.ParseExact(tmpStr, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", Nothing)

Return tmpDate.Date
End Function

' Decide which method to extract the date portion of the date from the highvalue column
Function getPartDate(ByVal highval As String) As DateTime
Dim tmpDate As DateTime
Dim tmpStr As String

If keyType = DateKey Then
tmpDate = getDate(highval)
tmpStr = highval.Substring(1, 8)
tmpDate = DateTime.ParseExact(tmpStr, "yyyyMMdd", Nothing)
End If
Return tmpDate.Date
End Function

' Routine to process all the tables
Public Sub procTab()
Dim loopCnt, dropCnt, daysAhead As Integer
Dim sql, tabName, tmpStr, partName As String
Dim partRec As clsPart
Dim dbCmd As OleDbCommand = Conn.CreateCommand
Dim dr As OleDbDataReader
Dim partDate, limDate As DateTime
Dim curDate As DateTime = Now
Dim dropPartList As New ArrayList

For loopCnt = 0 To (tabCollection.Count - 1)
tabName = UCase(tabCollection(loopCnt).Attributes("Name").Value)
daysAhead = tabCollection(loopCnt).Attributes("Period").Value
Console.WriteLine(vbNewLine & "Table " & tabName)


If keyType <> InvalidKey Then
limDate = curDate.AddDays(daysAhead).Date
Trace.WriteLineIf(generalSwitch.TraceVerbose, "Date Limit is " & Format(limDate, "dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm"))

sql = pfxStr & tabName & "' and partition_name not like '" & tabName & "0' order by " _
& "partseq"
Trace.WriteLineIf(generalSwitch.TraceVerbose, "Get partition list sql is " & vbNewLine & sql)
dbCmd.CommandText = sql
dr = dbCmd.ExecuteReader
If dr.HasRows Then
While dr.Read
tmpStr = dr.Item("high_value")
partDate = getPartDate(tmpStr)
partName = dr.Item("partition_name")
partRec = New clsPart
partRec.Name = partName
partRec.LimDate = partDate
Trace.WriteLineIf(generalSwitch.TraceVerbose, partName & " " & Format(partDate, "dd-MMM-yyyy"))
If DateTime.Compare(partDate, limDate) < 0 Then
Trace.WriteLineIf(generalSwitch.TraceVerbose, partRec.Name & " " & Format(partRec.LimDate, "dd-MMM-yyyy") & " should be dropped")
Trace.WriteLineIf(generalSwitch.TraceVerbose, partRec.Name & " " & Format(partRec.LimDate, "dd-MMM-yyyy") & " does not qualify")
End If
End While
End If

If Not IsNothing(dr) Then
End If
End Try

' If there are partitions that qualify for dropping
If dropPartList.Count > 0 Then
Console.WriteLine(vbNewLine & "Date Limit is " & Format(limDate, "dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm"))
For dropCnt = 0 To (dropPartList.Count - 1)
partRec = dropPartList(dropCnt)
Trace.WriteLineIf(generalSwitch.TraceVerbose, "Dropping " & partRec.Name & " with " & Format(partRec.LimDate, "dd-MMM-yyyy"))
sql = "alter table " & tabName & " drop partition " & partRec.Name
dbCmd.CommandText = sql
Trace.WriteLineIf(generalSwitch.TraceVerbose, "Drop partition sql is " & vbNewLine & sql)
Console.WriteLine("Dropped " & partRec.Name & " with " & Format(partRec.LimDate, "dd-MMM-yyyy"))
Console.WriteLine("No partitions qualify")
End If
Console.WriteLine(tabName & " is an invalid table")
End If

End Sub

Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
Dim dPart As New DropPartDate
Dim tmpDate As DateTime = Now()
Dim elapseTime As TimeSpan

Console.WriteLine(vbNewLine & "Create Partition (Date) - Version " & dPart.Ver & vbNewLine & lineStr)
Console.WriteLine(Format(Now(), "dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm"))

Dim writer As TextWriterTraceListener = New TextWriterTraceListener(System.Console.Out)

If generalSwitch.TraceVerbose Then
Console.WriteLine("Trace is verbose")
End If

' Checks to see if a parameter is provided
If args.Length > 0 Then

' If parameter is ? then display the help
If args(0) = "?" Then
Console.WriteLine("Usage: " & vbNewLine & "crePartDate <configFileName>")
Exit Sub
dPart.cfgFile = args(0)
End If
End If

If dPart.cfgFound Then

' List table only if trace is verbose
If generalSwitch.TraceVerbose Then
End If

End If

Catch ex As Exception
Console.WriteLine(vbNewLine & "Error " & vbNewLine & ex.Message)
Trace.WriteIf(generalSwitch.TraceVerbose, ex.StackTrace)
End Try

elapseTime = Now.Subtract(tmpDate)
Console.WriteLine(vbNewLine & "Elapse time " & elapseTime.Seconds & " seconds")
Console.WriteLine("End time " & Format(Now(), "dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm"))
Console.WriteLine("End Program" & vbNewLine & lineStr)
End Sub

End Class

Class clsPart
Dim vName As String
Dim vLim As Date

Public Property Name() As String
Return vName
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
vName = Value
End Set
End Property

Public Property LimDate() As Date
Return vLim
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Date)
vLim = Value
End Set
End Property
End Class

As in creating partition, I also use an xml instead of the config file. This is to allow me to drop partition from multiple database instance by supporting each database with a separate xml file. Here is a sample xml file:
<connStr Val="Provider=ORAOLEDB.Oracle;PASSWORD=tiger;User ID=scott;Data Source=orcl" />
<tab Name="TESTPART" Period="-200" />
<tab Name="TESTPART2" Period="-300" />
<tab Name="MFGTRANS" Period="-250" />
<tab Name="PARTMASTER" Period="-200" />

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