

Monday, September 8, 2008

Classic ASP utilities - Sep 2008

The following are some functions that will facilitate coding in Classic ASP:
Serial Date

function serialdate(pdate)
' Parameter pdate is a date variable
' returned value is YYYYMMDD HH24MI
' uses function leadzero fill in leading zero
DIM tstr

tstr = year(pdate) & leadzero(month(pdate)) & leadzero(day(pdate)) & _
" " & leadzero(hour(pdate)) & leadzero(minute(pdate))
serialdate = tstr
end function

' Subroutine to create a checkbox and decide if it should be selected or not

Sub getCheck(cInput, cVal)

' Parameters are as follows:
' cInput - checkbox name
' cVal - status of checkbox (on or not)

Response.Write "<input type=""checkbox"" name="""
Response.Write cInput
Response.Write """"
if (cVal = "on") then
Response.Write " checked"
end if
Response.Write ">"
End Sub

To use above, you may create a checkbox as follows:

Check Buffer then flush the buffer
' For checking the buffer count to decide if a response.flush is required

function bufCheck(tCount)
tCount = tCount + 1
if (tCount > BuffLim) then
bufCheck = 0
bufCheck = tCount
end if
end function

To use the above, declare a counter and a bufferlimit:

Dim cnt
Dim BuffLimit
BuffLimit = 50 'or whatever number you want

and then increment each time you do a response.write and then call the routine as follows:

cnt = cnt + 1

This will reduce the amount of memory used on the server by flushing the buffer to the client once the limit is hit, otherwise it will wait until the asp is fully executed before sending the content to the client.

' =============================================================================
' Function to pad the string so that it has the length of tlen
' =============================================================================

function sp_pad(tString, tlen)
sp_pad = tString + space(tlen - len(tString))
end function

Radio Button
' For setting default value
sub defval(pfld, pval)
if pfld = "" then
pfld = pval
end if
end sub

' check to see if the word checked should be written - used in conjunction
' with a radiobutton

sub checked(pVar, pVal)
if pVar = pVal then
end if
end sub

Example of use is as follows:

Dim cSel
cSel = request.form("carType")
defval cSel, "saloon"

<input type="Radio" name="carType" value="saloon" <% checked cSel, "saloon" %>> Saloon
<input type="Radio" name="carType" value="4wd" <% checked cSel, "4wd" %>> 4 Wheel Drive

The above will look like this:

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