

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

XML Editors

Found a pretty neat XML editor at but it is very confusing, it claims that there is a free version and a commercial version but I was unable to find the commercial version.  All the features indicated on the commercial is found in the version I downloaded but did not see a way to register.  This is a good editor since it also provides for XSLT editing.

Alternative ones without XSLT debugging capabilities are found in the following:

Personally I still like XSLTMajic from Microsoft that was discontinued support severals years ago.  Managed to find the link.


Roy D. Slater said...

Thanks for the tips on xml. Very useful stuff. Can you recommend any other xsl fo editors?

Strovek said...


I have not very familiar with xsl:fo so have not evaluated the various editor available.

However, a quick search on google found the follow:

Try it and let me know what you think.