

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Reducing your file size

When writing documents in Word either on a PDA and computer, the size is normally at least 1 to 2k even if it is just contains one sentence. A work around is to save the document is .rtf (rich text) when you do that you will find the document a fraction of the size but still maintaining all your formating.

Here is a comparison (the doc file is 9.1 k while the rtf file is only 2.4k):

Size Filename
9,129 21 Memos.doc
2,443 21 Memos.rtf

Now majority of the photographs are taken using digital camera or scanned into the computer. We then take this pictures to post into our blogs. Majority of the time the pictures are used for illustration and does not need to be so big. One thing that can be done is to use free tools like Picasa to reduce the size. In the following example, my original photo is 2048 x 1536 pixels. The size is 739k. By using Picasa, I exported to file to 320 x 240 pixels, the size is reduced to 29k. This will make it much easier to upload.

Size Filename
756,426 21012007123.jpg
29,539 21012007123.jpg

By using the combination of the two, it will facilitate uploading your stories to websites like Triond.


Unknown said...

Good ideas!

wish i could paste a screenprint into outlook and have it automatically compress the image.


Anonymous said...

There is a paste special in Outlook 2003 but do not know if it compresses the image for you.