

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Migrating scheduled Task

In one of my previous articles, I discussed Application Scheduling using Windows Scheduler. When it comes time to migrate to a new server or to upgrade to another version of the OS, it can be a pain to recreate all the scheduled task.

The quickest way to do that is to go to the command prompt and then change folder to

(assuming you installed windows to c:\windows) and then copy all the .job files out to another folder. You can copy this to any folder or even your pen drive. You can then go to the new server and copy over all these files to the c:\windows\tasks folder of the new server. Assuming the new server has the same folder structure, username and password, and you have copied/installed all the required files/programs over to the new server, you just need to right click and then enable all those jobs.

Be careful with the .job files though since it contains the username and password setting in it. I am not sure if you can get the password from it.

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